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Richmond's Depot
21 Sep 21 , 2023 Thursday

Richmond's Depot

News Editor



You can learn all about one of the most imposing features of the Richmond skyline, thanks to a new online exhibition.

The high walls of the former Richmond Barracks can be seen clearly from a variety of locations in town, but especially when approaching Richmond from Brompton-on-Swale.

Also named Alma Barracks, but more commonly known as The Depot, the site was created in the late 19th century for use by the local regiment. It quickly became a key part of a serviceman's life, particularly during the days of the First and Second World Wars and then during the era of National Service, which saw thousands of young men tramp up the hill from the railway station and through its imposing gates for their six weeks of initial training.

The new online exhibition charts the history of The Depot, initially isolated in open country above the town, before Richmond grew up Gallowgate to meet it in later years. In 1985 the site was redeveloped for residential use, and it is now known as The Garden Village.


"The lives of those who experienced the Depot are intrinsically linked with the history of the town itself, so we hope that everyone will enjoy learning more about its life as a military depot," says Steve Erskine, Researcher at The Green Howards Museum. "The exhibition includes some great archive images of the site, reminiscences from those who experienced life there, as well as background information about the history of some of the key buildings and road names."

The museum team is keen to hear from people with a family connection to the Depot, which could be added to the exhibition. Get in touch: to share images or information.

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