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There's never a dull moment in Richmond with its regular theatre, cinema and countless other organised events and activities
18 Saturday 18 May, 2024 - Saturday 18 May, 2024

Saturday 18th May



6:15 pm

Richmond & Catterick Group Riding for the Disabled

Venue: Tunstall Village Hall

News Editor

What's On, May


Charity fundraising evening at Tunstall Village Hall to support disabled riders at Richmond & Catterick Group Riding for the Disabled.

A relaxed and informal evening to share with family and friends, or just join a table that seats 8. Doors open at 6.15 when early arrivals can enjoy the gardens. All to be seated by 7pm start. Bar (alcoholic, non-alcoholic and soft drinks) raffle with 11 prizes such as leather handbag, day at Catterick Races, signed book by ex-England footballer, diffuser and more, special draw with two prizes - one House of Commons champagne signed by PM Rishi Sunak and the second a limited edition print by artist Nicola Dagnall.

Light supper served to tables at 8pm. £20 per person. Tickets limited to 80. Book in advance by 14 May from

Saturday 18th May


Categories: What's On, May
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