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Short Stories 2
21 Thursday 21 Mar, 2024 - Saturday 23 Mar, 2024

Thursday 21 to Saturday 23 March 2024



7:30 pm

Short Stories 2

Venue: The Georgian Theatre Royal

News Editor

What's On, Display in Sidebar, March


Following on from their much-praised Short Stories in 2019, RADS present an evening of three one-act comedies, showcasing three new directors .

THE BREAK ROOM – Charles Lambert

In the break room of the local fast food place, Champ Burger, lovable layabout Craig is drifting by doing as little as possible and is an infuriating thorn in the side of acting assistant manager Megan. New starter Fliss is excited to begin work and is being shown the ropes by Sandra, a recent burglary victim taking it in her stride. Why is store manager Tony lurking around on his day off? Is it something to do with a possible special visitor who has a mysterious link to Craig?


A typical family Christmas dinner as tensions rise on the arrival of Aunt Delphine who must be kept apart from her sister Aunt Daphne as the two have been estranged since Daphne ‘stole’ Delphine’s boyfriend forty years ago. The family descend in ever decreasing circles until the truth is revealed.


Victor and his mistress Madelyn plot an 'accident' for Victor’s dim but very rich wife Lottie. Their scheming oft goes awry as they consider 42 different scenarios for the deed. The final result has unexpected consequences for all three of them…

'Cracker’s Christmas’ and ‘Bride Before A Fall’' presented by Richmond Amateur Dramatic Society by arrangement with Lazy Bee Scripts. Directed by Charles Lambert, Scott Fenney and Lee Bowles.

Tickets cost from £14 to £17 and are available from the Box Office on 01748 825252 or online at: www,

Thursday 21 to Saturday 23 March 2024


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